NSK State in Time

title: NSK State in Time
year: 2017
date: Nov 17
place: Sofia
language: english
duration: 57:31 min
format: HD, 1920 P, 16:9
author(s): Miran Mohar
related projects: in the frames of the program "Close Encounters – Visual Dialogues. School4artists"
copyright: the author
supported by: with the financial support of the Programme "Culture" of Sofia Municipality – 2017

NSK State in Time. Public presentation by Miran Mohar in the frames of the program "Close Encounters – Visual Dialogues. School4artists". The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate – Sofia, 17 November, 2017.

Organized by the Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia and The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate, with financial support from the Programme "Culture" of Sofia Municipality – 2017.


Miran Mohair is an integral part of one of the most renowned East European artistic groups - IRWIN, for which politics, in particular the concept of the state, is one of the main themes.
The group was founded in 1983 and is part of the art conglomerate "Neue Slowenische Kunst (New Slovenian Art)". It also includes the experimental theater "Scipion Nasice Sisters" and the famous "Laibach" music band, as well as Slovenian and international philosophers, designers, architects.
IRWIN Group consists of 5 artists - Andrei Savsky, Borut Vogelnik, Dusan Mandic, Miran Mohar and Roman Uraniek, but one author. At the heart of this author's work are several principles, the first of which is collectivism - the common artistic body that reflects modern public attitudes and "melts" the outdated pretense of the individual author. On the question what was the definition of the form of the group, the artists responded that it is exactly five people fitting in a car and easily traveling around for the realization of their projects.

Published in Lectures
Read 605 times
Last modified on Feb 4, 2021
Vector. ICA-Sofia: Motives, Analyses, Critique is a project by the Institute of Contemporary Art - Sofia.
The project is realised with the financial support of the National Fund Culture, Critique Programme