
ICA-Sofia: Motives, Analyses, Critique

Vector. ICA-Sofia: Motives, Analyses, Critique is an online platform presenting the history, specifics and contemporary state of that part of Bulgarian contemporary art with which the Institute of Contemporary Art - Sofia is connected. An interactive multimedia interface combines key texts, videos, publications that contributed to the development of the scene of contemporary art in Bulgaria and its relations on the global art map.

We see this digital platform as a bridge between the past and the present of the visual arts in Bulgaria; between the visibility of the scene in the world and the visibility of the art world here; between audiences and content creators; between different personal positions and the unifying context; between topics and media.

For the 25 years of existence of ICA-Sofia we have realized that there are solid accumulations of content published in and outside Bulgaria, built with the hope that the scene image gets improvement. It is time for this scattered content and reflection, which in principle (and not only as specific names) connects "here and there", some audiences with other producers and products, to "return" and start functioning in an intertextual narrative, with all its multi-layered themes, keywords, media, synchronous intuitions, chronological sequences and anachronistic connections.

Vector. ICA-Sofia: Motives, Analyses, Critique is a project by the Institute of Contemporary Art - Sofia.
The project is realised with the financial support of the National Fund Culture, Critique Programme