year: 2017
date: Oct 2
place: Sofia
language: english
duration: 1:44:39 min
format: HD, 1920 P, 16:9
author(s): Anna Jermolaewa
related projects: in the frames of the program "Close Encounters – Visual Dialogues. School4artists"
copyright: the author
supported by: with the financial support of the Programme "Culture" of Sofia Municipality – 2017

Anna Jermolaewa "For Jermolaewa". Public lecture in the frames of the program "Close Encounters – Visual Dialogues. School4artists". Credo Bonum Gallery, Oct 2, 2017.

Organized by the Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia and Credo Bonum Gallery, with financial support from the Programme "Culture" of Sofia Municipality – 2017.


Anna Jermolaewa is one of the most wellknown Austrian artists today. She works predominantly with video, photography and installation, and adopted unbelievable intuition to always be at the right place in the right time in order to "find" her stories and build works rooted in the documentary. It could be said that her work is a persuasive argument in favor of the documentary approach in analyzing the social relations and structures of society, but also the everyday dynamics. The artist mastered a very sophisticated ability to visualize for the body for the viewer the kind of living space where the ideas for the future and the experiences of the past meet in the perception of contested present. The direct gaze of her camera is characterized by crystal clarity and legibility. It attracts the viewer by creating that rare experience as if one sees everything with her/his eyes without mediation. The documentary, however provides only an entrance to the work in which there is consistent, carefuly composited narrative - entertaining, recognizable, provoking personal associations, emulating emotions and interpretations.

Published in Lectures
Read 604 times
Last modified on Feb 4, 2021
Vector. ICA-Sofia: Motives, Analyses, Critique is a project by the Institute of Contemporary Art - Sofia.
The project is realised with the financial support of the National Fund Culture, Critique Programme